Sunday 21 December 2008

Polyphasic Sleep

OK, first day didn't exactly go as planned; went to sleep at 3:00AM and set my alarm for 5:50AM. I woke up to my alarm and had a drink of an energy drink to stop me falling back to sleep but I hadn't got much to do so I started reading my book, the next thing I can remember is waking up at 10:45 with my book open next to me.
If caffeine can't keep me awake then I don't know what will.

Friday 19 December 2008

Polyphasic Sleep

My Everyman Sleep Schedule
0100 Nap 1 - 30 minutes
0300 Core Sleep - 3/3.5 hours
1530 Nap 2 - 30 minutes
2030 Nap 3 - 30 minutes

Now I have some time off I'm going to start my new polyphasic sleep schedule tomorrow.
I'll try to keep you up-to-date with how I'm coping and how I try not to sleep walk everywhere.

Chin-up Challenge

Yesterday I started my second challenge of 100 continuous chin-ups after 5 weeks. Rather than following someone elses set training program I've decided to do a few sets 3 times a week and try to increase the reps each time.
Yesterday I started with an exhaustion test but only managed 11, the main reason I've given myself 5 weeks rather than only a couple.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Press Up Challenge

I have decided to try the 100 Push Up challenge from; I'm using press up grips to make the challenge a little bit harder as I can just about do 100 with hands on the floor.
After doing an exhaustion test as my initial test I've just managed to eek out 75, which I've never managed to do before with the grips, so I'm going to start on Week 5 - Day 2 and hopefully I'll manage 100 before the new year.
By the way I will be posting more frequent information on my press up challenge atthis address